Monday, October 12, 2009

Choose Your Life

Many will say that dreams are for dreamers.  As we get down to this business of life, there is no room for such fantasy.  Those sentiments are usually expressed by those who have given up on their dreams and enthusiastically encourage you to do the same.

And if you are a good grown-up, then you label dreams as foolishness as immature; and join those who are responsibly doing jobs that they loathe; living lives that they hate; and making themselves and everyone around them miserable.  A life of sameness measured by impossibility.  Impossible to hope, impossible to dream, lacking texture and joy.  Who wouldn't want that life?

While people would argue that they would not choose such a life, it is nonetheless, the life that many live.   The reasons why are as numerous as the stars, however, we usually blame it on a bad case of the "lacks" -- lack of money, lack of skills, lack of time, lack of family support, lacking any other way to support the family, lack of education, lack of motivation  and on and on. 

People often live and die right there at the lacks.

But before you write that epitaph; before you decide that you don't have the means to live your dream -- examine this thought --- life choices have life consequences.  You commit a crime, you get caught, you go to jail.  You're a quarterback, you don't practice, your team loses.  You have tickets to fly to Chicago, you don't get on the airplane, you remain in Idaho. 

You imagine the life of your dreams, your choices reflect another life, you get the life you have, instead of the life you wanted.   Life Choices.  Life Consequences.

The question is ---- what did you choose?

Click below to learn more about having the life of your dreams.

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